Dedicated to the Study of the Cicadas of Massachusetts and New England


Cicada Sightings Index Page

Below are all user-submitted cicada sightings. If you believe that you have spotted a cicada - and have a photograph, please click on the link in the right-hand navigation under the "Submit Report" section. Cicada sightings are being solicated because they help in filling in gaps in the distribution of cicadas species.

Please note that not all entries below are actual cicadas but rather other types of insects that users thought may have been cicadas. These mis-identifications are just as important because they help in educating you to identify actual cicadas as well as aiding in identifying what the actual insect is.

Every entry contains a comment from Massachusetts Cicadas. When you submit a sighting you can either comment back or simply return for the identification of your particular cicada or non-cicada insect.

T. tibicen teneral

Tibicen tibicen from Newport News, VA

The cicada was on the fence in our backyard. Was able to catch several stages of transformation.
Date Posted: 2011-07-10 Comments: (1)
Tibicen tibicen from Dardenne Prairie, MO

T. tibicen at Dardenne Prarie, MO.

About four days ago, I began hearing some Dog Day cicadas calling. They seem to be most active in th
Date Posted: 2011-07-09 Comments: (2)
Tibicen walkeri from Taylorville Lake, IL

Multiple Tibicens from Taylorville Lake, Illinois

Found all these around 12:30 am on july the 9th. the T. tibicen were found only on the low flooded a
Date Posted: 2011-07-08 Comments: (2)
More Tibicen Tenerals from Blue Springs, MO

More Tibicen Tenerals from Blue Springs, MO

I have more pics of some Tibicen that emerged tonight. I will post a few but is there a better way t
Date Posted: 2011-07-06 Comments: (1)
Tibicen teneral from Rensselaer, NY

Tibicen teneral from Rensselaer, NY

Spotted today - July 15th. Temperature was 70 degrees at 10:00 am. Looks to be damaged
Date Posted: 2011-07-05 Comments: (1)
Tibicen and Magicicada Exuvia Blue Springs, MO

Tibicen and Magicicada Exuvia Blue Springs, MO

Here are some pic's if you would like to add them to your site. My son's decided to have a cicada s
Date Posted: 2011-07-05 Comments: (1)
Cicadetta calliope

Cicadetta calliope in Pana, Illinois

C.calliope found near prarie preserve on July 2nd
Date Posted: 2011-07-02 Comments: (1)
Tibicen cicada sighting Blue Springs

Tibicen teneral Sighting from Blue Springs, MO

Here is the first Tibicen of the year. Look to be a large Pruinosa. Thought it may have been an Aule
Date Posted: 2011-06-29 Comments: (1)

Submit a Report

Did you spot an annual cicada or a cicada killer wasp? If you did and you have a photo and want to report it, please click the link below.

Brood I Information

The Brood I periodical cicada emergence happened in 2012 in Virginia, W. Virginia and Tennessee. Below are some of the highlights.

Brood XIX Information

The Brood XIX periodical cicada emergence has come and gone. Below is some information that you may find helpful.