Dedicated to the Study of the Cicadas of Massachusetts and New England


Cicada Killers West Hartford, CT.

Sightings Category: Cicada Killers

Cicada Killers West Hartford, CT.

I live in West Hartford, CT, County of Hartford and my son and I have seen these killers in my neighborhood on August 5th or 6th, at first I thought they were really huge wasps or bees of some sort. I described the bug to him and he saw one a few blocks away from the house.

I kept looking up cicadas because that's what we thought they might be but I had not seen one that looked like a big bee or wasp.

When I found your website and the pictures I said to myself, hey that's the insect I saw. I will see if i can find them again or a nesting site and take some pics for you. As far as catching one, well, we'll see.

Date Posted: 2006-08-14 Comments: (3) Show Comments Hide Comments


Posted By: Massachusetts Cicadas | On: 2010-11-26 | Website:

Awesome Stephanie!!

Very cool. Not to worry though. These wasps are quite docile. The males don't have stingers and the females will not sting humans. You'd have to pick one up with your hands and squeeze it in order to get stung.

Some have said that the sting of the female feels like getting a needle but that's about it. Can you give an exact street for these burrows for the record?

Now, if you or your son get industrious, you can take stung cicada killers away from them. The female will only go get another one.

Very cool and thank you for taking the time to send the images!

Posted By: Rita Cyr | On: 2011-07-22 | Website:

I live in Windham Ct and i caught one in my back yard while watching my kids play are they dangerous. Show i just let it go is it good for the environment. dont know what to do with it.

Posted By: Massachusetts Cicadas | On: 2011-07-22 | Website:

Hi Rita,

If it is a cicada killer I would feel safe if you were to let it go. I've attached in the form of a link to this comment an article I wrote several years ago about the cicada killers of New England. I hope it will answer your questions.


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All Cicada Killer Sightings

Cicada Killer Sightings 2013

Cicada Killer Sightings 2012

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Cicada Killer Sightings 2010

Cicada Killer Sightings 2009

Cicada Killer Sightings 2008

Cicada Killer Sightings 2007

Cicada Killer Sightings 2006

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Brood I Information

The Brood I periodical cicada emergence happened in 2012 in Virginia, W. Virginia and Tennessee. Below are some of the highlights.

Brood XIX Information

The Brood XIX periodical cicada emergence has come and gone. Below is some information that you may find helpful.