Dedicated to the Study of the Cicadas of Massachusetts and New England


Cicada Sighting in Clinton, MA

Sightings Category: Cicadas

Cicada Sighting in Clinton, MA


Attached are the pictures of the Cicada that I caught tonight. The one that I got from Laura's sister I couldn't get out of the net cage so I will have to try to get him later. I left all the pictures full size to make identifying easier.

I just came in and saw no new Cicadas out there. I am going to go back out in about a half hour or so.


Date Posted: 2008-08-27 Comments: (1) Show Comments Hide Comments


Posted By: Massachusetts Cicadas | On: 2010-12-19 | Website:

Definitely a male T. canicularis my friend. He is in a state known as a "teneral" newly molted.

You will notice as he ages that he will develop white pruinosity (wax) on his underside. That is, his underside will turn totally white.

Very cool.


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