Dedicated to the Study of the Cicadas of Massachusetts and New England


More Tibicen robinsonianus from Litchfield, IL

Sightings Category: Cicadas

More Tibicen robinsonianus from Litchfield, IL

found 50 cicadas. mainly T.robinoniaus three lyricen and one possible T linnei. same place as last robinsoniaus. theese are very thick in conifers and stratify in only a very small area and the epicenter is elmwood cemetery. very cool looking cicada. they look like glorifeid pruinosus. theese are still a day old so the glossy black dorsal veiw of the abdomens a bit silver still. ventrel stripe even more bold than that of T lyricen and way more defined than what we are calling T.linnei in south centrel IL. i will get back to you on the tree species as i study trees a bit as well. i did not obtain any auletes

Date Posted: 2011-07-26 Comments: (4) Show Comments Hide Comments


Posted By: Masssachusetts Cicadas | On: 2011-07-27 | Website:

Hey Jake,

What a handome photo of a male. T. robinsonianus. I am amazed that you found that many in one location. You must've hit the emergence time perfectly for this species. They are considered quite difficult to catch when a full-blown adult as they are very high in trees. Looking forward to receiving some.

Posted By: jake readnour | On: 2011-07-27 | Website:

i could of found over 100 easy. i had them all molting in my car on the roof/chairs in a box ect. they seem to go up high like you say but not as high as T.lyricen or T.linnei at least not on theese small ceder trees they dont. i can get them at 16 foot. all of them have the white pruinose barr on the base of the abdomen exept the females. they are getting darker still, by friday they should be glossy and be in top notch wen i send them to you in paper towl roles

Posted By: Massachusetts Cicadas | On: 2011-07-27 | Website:

Jake, I was not referring to when they are molting. I was referring to when they are full adults. Fully sclerotized and flying.

The males sing very high in the tree tops making them almost impossible to catch.

Posted By: jake readnour | On: 2011-07-27 | Website:

yes i know! you were refering to adults! the males do not go to the top of the trees here. about ten to 20 foot is were most were located. even on the very tall pines. some were around 30 foot. however this area is or was the epicenter for this species and overcroweding will lead them to the females that seem to be found lower. the tenerals molt just like pruinosus and look almost the same but with a bit more reds on the vertical markings on the mesotome that fade to deep brown and black:)

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