Dedicated to the Study of the Cicadas of Massachusetts and New England


Tibicen Cicada Shell found in Concord, NH

Sightings Category: Cicadas

Tibicen Cicada Shell found in Concord, NH

I was about to go for a walk to meet up with my friend and almost touched a strange bug. I called my brother out to see it and my mom eventually put it into a container and we looked up a ton of bugs until we found this website. My mom thinks what we found is just a shell. We still have it.

Date Posted: 2012-08-02 Comments: (1) Show Comments Hide Comments


Posted By: Massachusetts Cicadas | On: 2013-04-08 | Website:


Yes, that is the cast-off nymph shell of a cicada. It looks to be from the Tibicen genus and is most likely Tibicen canicularis.

Thanks for sharing your image with us. You can also find these shells on a lot of pine trees. Some parts of Concord, NH are "pine barrens" and you can find these left over on the sides of trees. Maybe you will get lucky and see a cicada molting out of its shell.

Thanks for sharing.

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